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Stübben Steelteck Tongue m/Plate 3-Delt


Tredelt korrigeringsbitt med plate og faste bittringer.

Stübben Tongue er et tredelt korrigeringsbitt med plate.
Platen på midtdelen hindrer hesten i å legge tungen over bittet.
Dette bittet skal kun benyttes for korrigering av slik adferd og er ikke ment for daglig eller langvarig bruk.
Laget i høykvalitets rustfritt stål.
Str.11,5cm-12,5cm - 12 mm.
Str.13,5cm-14,5cm - 14mm.
Faste bittringer.



Johannes Stübben

On March 15th, 1894, Johannes Stübben founded a saddlery business in Krefeld, Germany, on the Lower Rhine. His workshop, which was located on a boulevard in Krefeld, was both workplace, retail shop and residential home. In those days, horses and carriages were quite common and characterised the typical cityscape. In 1906, the demand for Stübben saddlery products were further increased due to the fact that the former German emperor Wilhelm II garrisoned his 11th Hussar Regiment in this area. Stübben products soon became well known and enjoyed an increasing demand far beyond the region, due to its impeccable craftsmanship and enduring and lasting quality.